Saturday 25 August 2012

Splendid Expendables

For this cuti Raya, me and my family went to the movies. We watched The Expendables 2. Bukan sekali tapi dua kali, but on a different day of course!
Whatever it is, it was fun, amazing, magnificent.
Me love it so so so much! All of those muscles, make my adrenaline rush! LOL! :D
Besides that, that movie also make me hotness overload! ;)
Good-looking guys + Good action = Good movie.
XOXO from ME!

Selamat Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya semua. Maaf zahir dan batin. Well, this raya haven't been the best raya.. But still, it's RAYA and I have to celebrate. :D
This raya, my family and I did not went to kampung. We did not even eat any lemang, rendang or any raya food! *except for the kuih raya. SOB! :'(
Anyhow, somehow, I wish may this Raya be the best Raya for others and especially the ones who reads this ;)
XOXO from ME!